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Using the Tree Command in Windows PowerShell, CMD, and Terminal

Published: at 12:00 AM

Using the Tree Command in Windows PowerShell, CMD, and Terminal


The tree command is a powerful tool used in various command line interfaces like Windows PowerShell, CMD, and Terminal on different operating systems. It helps users visualize the structure of directories and files in a tree-like format.

Windows PowerShell and CMD

Basic Usage

In Windows PowerShell and CMD, the tree command displays the folder structure of a specified directory. By default, it shows only directories.


tree [Drive:][Path] [/f] [/a]

Displaying Directories and Files

To display both directories and files, use the /f option:

# Navigate to the directory
cd .\path\to\directory

# Display directory and file structure
tree /f

Redirecting Output to a File

You can save the output of the tree command to a file:

tree /f > output.txt

This creates a file named output.txt containing the tree structure.

Terminal (macOS and Linux)

Basic Usage

In Terminal on macOS and Linux, the tree command works similarly but may not be installed by default.



tree [directory] [-a] [-L level] [-f]

Displaying Directories and Files

Run tree with optional arguments:

# Display directory and file structure
tree -f /path/to/directory

Redirecting Output to a File

Similar to Windows, redirect output to a file:

tree /path/to/directory > output.txt


The tree command is a versatile tool for visualizing directory structures. By using different options, you can customize the output to fit your needs, whether you’re using Windows PowerShell, CMD, or Terminal on macOS or Linux.